
New Policy for Fabricated Housing in 2018

Column:Company news Time:2018-11-19
Action Plan of "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Assembly Building

From 2018 to 2020, the proportion of assembled buildings in new buildings in China will reach more than 15%.

Action Plan of "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Assembly Building

From 2018 to 2020, the proportion of assembled buildings in new buildings in China will reach more than 15%. By 2020, more than 50 demonstration cities of assembled buildings, more than 200 industrial bases of assembled buildings, more than 500 demonstration projects of assembled buildings, more than 30 scientific and technological innovation bases of assembled buildings will be built to give full play to the leading and leading role of demonstration.




Opinions of the General Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government on Accelerating the Development of Assembled Buildings

By 2018, the proportion of assembled buildings in the new building area will be over 20%, and a basic policy and technical support system for the development of assembled buildings will be formed.

By 2020, more than 30% of the new building area will be constructed by assembly-type buildings, and a number of large-scale enterprises for design, construction and parts production will be formed, as well as general contracting enterprises with modern assembly and construction level and specialized skilled teams.


The General Office of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government issued a circular on vigorously developing the implementation plan of assembly building

From 2018 to 2020, all new public buildings that meet the requirements should adopt assembled buildings, and all commercial residential buildings in central urban areas, core areas of Binhai New Area and Mesozoic and New Eco-City should adopt assembled buildings.


Circular on the Issuance of the Thirteenth Five-Year Development Plan for Assembled Buildings in Hebei Province

Starting in 2018, we will strive to gradually increase the proportion of assembled buildings in the new building area to more than 30%. Zhangjiakou, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Baoding, Handan, Cangzhou and the counties around Beijing and Tianjin (cities and districts) should take the lead in fulfilling the requirements, and according to local conditions, we should delimit a certain range of comprehensive implementation of assembled construction methods. Among them, steel structure construction accounts for no less than 10% of the new building area.

Policy support

1. Incorporate the fabricated construction Park and base construction into relevant planning, giving priority to construction land.

2. If government-invested or leading projects adopt the assembly construction mode, the incremental cost shall be included in the construction cost. By the end of 2020, the local government will subsidize the newly constructed urban assembled commercial housing and the self-built assembled housing projects of rural residents.

3. For assembly-type construction enterprises that import large-scale special advanced equipment, import tariffs and value-added tax on import links shall be exempted.

Xiamen Jin Architectural Technology Co., Ltd. has been devoted to the research and development of cold-formed thin-walled steel housing system since 2006. Combining with the design, production and construction team of many years'practical experience, a unique KNBO ultra-light steel-bonded housing system is formed, which integrates project plan, design, production, installation and after-sale.

Contact hotline: +86-592-7622189/7622198

Company Address: Xiamen Torch High-tech Industrial Zone Qiangye Building

Factory Address: No. 585 Hongtang Road, Tong'an District, Xiamen City


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