
Classical type

PRODUCT CENTER > Homestay Inn > Classical type

Classical type


Beautiful design, elegance, warmth, economy, comfort, compactness and easy management

The overall design style is simple, clear and economical. It is the choice of leisure vacation.




The building area is 66.79m_with two rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom. The lobby is elevated with a net floor height of 2.44m.



To configure

[1] Main body: high strength aluminium-zinc or aluminium-zinc-plated ultra-light steel structure; metal roofing system (with insulation materials); roofing drainage system; modified PU composite metal exterior wall panel; glass wool filled in the body; steel anti-theft door, aluminium alloy hollow tempered glass

[2] Roofing: Thermal insulation materials; Colored steel corrugated tiles;

[3] Interior decoration: paper gypsum board is attached to the interior wall of the room, wallpaper is pasted on the surface; reinforced wood floor is laid on the interior floor; water and electricity lighting and socket; interior paint door, aluminum alloy door of toilet;

[4] Kitchen: Cement fibreboard is attached to the wall; square aluminium clasp is attached to the ceiling (with lighting);

[5] Bathroom: wall hanging cement fiberboard + ceramic tile; toilet, washstand, stainless steel towel rack, roll paper rack;

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